Wednesday, December 14, 2005


We have a humble library in LKWD. It is 1000 sq feet, maybe. It does have internet access and a small studio upstairs for quite meditation, both of which I use on occasion. When I walk in and see all the books on so many topics, I feel subversive. All this information is before me to use as I see fit. The power goes to my head.

Today I walked in and found the Utne Reader. It is a magazine of the left and sometimes has stuff that is interesting. For example, this month Utne has an article about Donald Miller. His is the guy who wrote "Blue Like Jazz." They gave what I thought was a fair review of his work in the one page review. (Side note: they were horrified that he held to some traditional Christian values, like Jesus' claims are true.) The fun part of the adventure was going over to the computer catalog and typing in his name and finding his other books. Which I promptly placed a hold on. Now all I have to do is wait for the magic call and I get to go pick up, for free, a copy of "Waiting for God Knows What." Sure I don't keep it, but that is ok. It's called recycling.

If you haven't been to your library lately, you need to go. They're cool.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

That's "Searching for God Knows What"... but nobody's keeping track.
It's good to see that you continue to feed your book addiction instead of slowing it down. When you can say that you've read all those books it makes people think that you are really smart... and that is the point isn't it?

Don't you wish you had a big anough house and enough money to have a huge collection of books at home?

See you soon.