Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I am currently trying to weed out my book reading. I have a library very close to my office that allows me to check out many more books than I could possible read. I love it. Last time I was there, I got a book on the history of the oak tree (heard a review on npr), The Lone Warrior (a book about a famous seventeenth century samurai) and a book about imaginary beasts. All of these are wonderful reads! I never knew all the stuff that the oak has ment to human history. Samurai (one who serves) did more than just yell and make cool movies. And I now have more than the liger to draw in my notebook. Unfortunately I am also trying to read a book on Christ/the church/our mission before the end of the year. Since I don't have to read like a college student the day before the exam, I read slowly. The slower the better is my opioin. My wife chides me constantly because I will finish one book in the same time she can knock out three. So I am going to buckle down and stick to just one or two of them, and let the others slide, for now.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

O come on Mike. you should always have a few going. Here are my current books in progress.
Blue Like Jazz... you must add this to your list.
Devils (Dostoyevsky)
Foolishness of Preaching
Tremendous Trifles (Chesterton)
Chamber of Secrets.... yes, a Harry Potter book.
Greek thought compared with Hebrew
Between Noon and Three

So have at it. Let your lovely wife know I said it was okay.